Timeline of Services:
1. A 15 minute introductory phone call to see if we're the right fit to work together.
2. A complimentary 60 minute Explore Meeting in which we will get acquainted; learn about your needs, concerns, and aspirations; provide background info and describe the process; relate services to your issues; and begin to establish a working relationship.
3. A series of 3 to 4 meetings over the next 2 months in which we identify your true values, work to clarify your priorities, establish guidelines for developing a True Wealth Plan that aligns with your interests, and empower you with the financial education and planning tools needed to help implement your successful Plan.
4. Ongoing access to a CFP® with reviews conducted every 12 months or as major life events occur. As your priorities change, we make key changes to the plan in real time. Essentially, you tell me what matters most to you, and I work to hold you accountable to yourself. Think of it as a gym membership to keep your finances in shape, with no annual commitment! Your membership includes:
A forward looking Cash Flow Plan to give you a clear understanding of where each dollar is going and why. No more saying, “Where on Earth does all our money go?”
On-boarding with a low-cost investment platform with customized accounts for each mid-term and long-term savings goal. No more wondering, “Are we paying too much in fees?” nor “How are we going to pay for that?”
Access to the WWP Planning Portal, allowing you to keep track of your entire financial picture in real time. No more saying, “What do we even have and where the heck is it?”
An established forum for having vital conversations about money, with a planning partner to help you focus on an efficient way to handle your complex decisions. No more saying, “We have to find a time to talk about this!”
How We Charge:
The cost is straightforward and simple: $4,000 per year for an individual, $6000 per year for a couple.
We believe in simple, transparent costs. We are a fee-only firm. We do not receive commissions from products, nor do we accept monetary or other compensation for referrals.
We offer financial planning and investment management as a combined service. Financial plans are typically implemented more successfully when we help you invest according to your plan.
WWP does not offer tax or legal advice. Instead, we have working relationships with 3rd party providers in the areas of estate, business, tax, & insurance planning that we recommend clients to for any needs outside the scope of our practice. We do not receive nor would we accept referral fees from any of our planning partners, and clients are free to use the providers of their own choosing.